Grants available for Nursing

Grants for Nursing
I have come to the recent realization that most of the closest people in my life that I respect the most all seem to have one thing in common: they are all nurses!!! My Grandma (who is my hero in life), my mother-in-law, and my best friend are all nurses. So, I have an inherit soft spot in my heart for nursing programs and especially grants for nursing.
The weird thing is that not everyone shares that same respect, in fact nursing is probably one of the most under appreciated professions out there. It is also one of the professions that has the greatest demand and lowest supply out there. The question is why? Nurses have the ability to help save lives!!! I can think of few jobs that would be more fulfilling? It seems to be one of the better paying jobs out there as well. I guess the question is, How do you get to the point where it is a good paying job without the money to get yourself through school?
What so many people don’t understand is that there are government grants out there to help put people through nursing school! The Government gives out over two hundred government grants to nursing students a year. The nursing grant not only covers tuition and books, but also gives students enough money to live on, enabling them to concentrate on getting through school instead of having to work at the same time. That is Free Grant Money!
Why don’t more nursing students take advantage of this? Probably because there are not a lot of people that know the government gives out Nursing grants. It’s easy to apply for a grant! You just need the right information on how to apply, what to put on your application etc. There are a lot of good programs out there that can help direct you on the best way to apply for nursing grants. The one that has gotten the best reviews and that is most helpful is
I would like to close by sharing a personal experience of my own on how nursing has benefited my own life personally. Recently, I was brought to the emergency room complaining of abdominal pain. It was so painful that my face was starting to turn green and I thought I was going to pass out. The nurse was not only really compassionate but very sharp!! She immediately realized that it was an emergency situation and grabbed a surgeon immediately. If it weren’t for her knowledge and sense of urgency, I later found out that I would have lost my life. The Doctor brought me back for some x rays and realized I was bleeding out internally and if I would have let it go another 45 minutes, I would have bled to death.
I hope by sharing this personal experience, it will help people realize what an important job being a nurse is and how it can so tremendously benefit someone’s life! I hope people will take the time to look into the website and find out the many ways the government is willing to help.

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