Low Income Grants Help People Make More Money

$12 million dollars in grant money was recently allocated for a low income housing and training program. This grant money is to be used for down payment assistance on home purchases and job training for people who are on public assistance or just have a low income. The plan is to create jobs by providing professional training to individuals who qualify. The training will help them be able to qualify for higher paying jobs or be able to bring in additional income. They also build up earned income credits that can be used toward the purchase of a house, or additional education. HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said of the program: “These grants will help public housing residents find employment or assist others who want to increase their earning power.”
I heard about the program from an acquaintance of mine who ended up being a perfect candidate for the program. Cleo is a single mother of three who is working two jobs that even together don’t pay enough to cover all of her monthly expenses. She comes close, but still relies on government assistance to make ends meet. When someone told her about it she was pretty excited. The next day she contacted the rep she had worked with at the local Housing Authority regarding the program. She applied and was accepted. She couldn’t believe how fast! She said she is able to do some of the training from home on the computer, and is getting some great education she will be able to put on her resume. Already she has found several jobs she will be able to qualify for once her training is done. She said she feels like she is in control of her life again, and that she can’t wait to finish. She has already put together a great resume and has also gotten a letter of recommendation from a teacher. After seeing the effect it had on Cleo, I thought I should share what I had heard.
I think this is a great opportunity for people to gain the confidence they need to get out into the job market and make a higher income. Not only that, but also to enable people like Cleo to support themselves and not rely so heavily on welfare and other government assistance programs. It brings to mind the old saying “Give a man a fish and you have fed him for today. Teach a man HOW to fish and he can feed himself for the rest of his life.”
This program is available nationwide. If you are already receiving government assistance, contact the representative or office that you work with. You can also apply through your local housing authority. If you can’t find your local housing office, or are not currently receiving government assistance, you can look it up online at http://www.hud.gov and do a search for PH FSS (Public Housing Family Self Sufficiency Grants). I think the application cut-off date was is July 18, 2009. Participants set employment goals and are required to sign a contract if they are approved for the program.
If you or someone you know is in need of this or any other type of assistance, have them take a look at this website to search for other grant opportunities that are out there http://www.grantgenerator.com

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