Archive for the 'Women Grants' Category

Low Income Grants Help People Make More Money

$12 million dollars in grant money was recently allocated for a low income housing and training program. This grant money is to be used for down payment assistance on home purchases and job training for people who are on public assistance or just have a low income. The plan is to create jobs by providing professional training to individuals who qualify. The training will help them be able to qualify for higher paying jobs or be able to bring in additional income. They also build up earned income credits that can be used toward the purchase of a house, or additional education. HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said of the program: “These grants will help public housing residents find employment or assist others who want to increase their earning power.”
I heard about the program from an acquaintance of mine who ended up being a perfect candidate for the program. Cleo is a single mother of three who is working two jobs that even together don’t pay enough to cover all of her monthly expenses. She comes close, but still relies on government assistance to make ends meet. When someone told her about it she was pretty excited. The next day she contacted the rep she had worked with at the local Housing Authority regarding the program. She applied and was accepted. She couldn’t believe how fast! She said she is able to do some of the training from home on the computer, and is getting some great education she will be able to put on her resume. Already she has found several jobs she will be able to qualify for once her training is done. She said she feels like she is in control of her life again, and that she can’t wait to finish. She has already put together a great resume and has also gotten a letter of recommendation from a teacher. After seeing the effect it had on Cleo, I thought I should share what I had heard.
I think this is a great opportunity for people to gain the confidence they need to get out into the job market and make a higher income. Not only that, but also to enable people like Cleo to support themselves and not rely so heavily on welfare and other government assistance programs. It brings to mind the old saying “Give a man a fish and you have fed him for today. Teach a man HOW to fish and he can feed himself for the rest of his life.”
This program is available nationwide. If you are already receiving government assistance, contact the representative or office that you work with. You can also apply through your local housing authority. If you can’t find your local housing office, or are not currently receiving government assistance, you can look it up online at and do a search for PH FSS (Public Housing Family Self Sufficiency Grants). I think the application cut-off date was is July 18, 2009. Participants set employment goals and are required to sign a contract if they are approved for the program.
If you or someone you know is in need of this or any other type of assistance, have them take a look at this website to search for other grant opportunities that are out there

Small Business Grants for Women

Starting a business can be very intimidating. Coming up with an original business plan is extremely difficult because there is so much competition out there. So many factors go into making a new business venture successful that many people don’t even want to try because it seems overwhelming. Especially in today’s society women often times find it even more intimidating to enter into all the competition amongst so many male driven businesses. There aren’t a lot of women entrepreneurs out there and not a lot of people willing to invest in them either. So let’s say that you are a woman with a great business plan and have decided to take it to the next level, the first thing you’ll need is capital. You will need money to get started, so where do you find this financial kick start?
Most people do not know that there is millions of dollars available for woman entrepreneurs who want to start their own businesses. This money comes in the form of grants from the Federal Government and from other small organizations. A lot of this small business grants for women money often goes unclaimed every year. Women owned businesses are becoming more and more successful and are often more successful than their male counterparts. If you have been thinking about starting a business then now is the time to get started.
Now that you know about these small business government grants for women you might be wondering where you can find them. Well they aren’t too hard to find. The internet will be the first place you’ll want to start checking. You can find many of these grants offered directly through the government or through small private foundations. There are also many websites that offer free CD programs that list thousands of grants that are available. These CD’s help you find a grant that you qualify for and also help you with the application process. One of these grant programs that is extremely useful can be found at They will walk you through the steps you need so that you can get the money you need to start your own business.
Another great thing about these government grants is that there isn’t a long waiting period. Most people have a check in their mailbox within a week. Oh I almost forgot, the best part about these grants is that most of the time you never have to pay them back! How can you go wrong? With the economy the way it is many people are in search of additional income opportunities so it is a great time to start your own business and even better that you may be able to get the money you need to start from the government.
The US government wants you to succeed. They have millions of dollars in grant money available because they want to help you. When they help you they are also helping to stimulate the economy which in turn will help get our country back on track. Don’t wait any longer to start your own business. Become your own boss, get extra income, and let the government help you!

Single Parent Grants

The following information is for single parents who are looking for additional support. Single parents trying to raise their children often run into many obstacles. They do their best to make family life as normal as possible but it often proves to be a difficult task. Because of divorce, teenage pregnancy, and even death of a spouse many people find themselves raising children on their own. Often times after a divorce or death the parent is under added stress making matters even more difficult. Trying to be the sole provider for a child can be financially difficult as well. Single parents still want to give the same amount of love and care for their children but don’t often have the time and energy to provide financially and emotionally for their children.
There are many avenues of support out there for single parents. Probably the number one are of support comes from other family members. Single parents can often rely on their parents or siblings to help care for their children. They may offer financial support, baby-sitting, or other general care to help relief stress from the single parent. In the case of divorce there is often financial support in the form of child support checks every month as well. Even though there are many ways to help often times the single parent still has a hard time making ends meet. Where do they turn for help? What can they do when they seem to have come to a dead end? Well there is an option out there that not many people take advantage of, which comes in the form of government grants. The Federal Government recognizes that raising a child by a single parent comes with many unwanted burdens. So now that you are aware of this option where do you start?
The first thing to do would be to assess what your needs are. Do you need money for day-care, housing, health care, etc? After you have assessed your current needs you will want to go in search of a specific government grant that best fits your needs and that you qualify for. There are many types of government grants designed specifically for areas of single parenting where parents fall short. The best place to search for these grants is online. There are many programs out there that will give you resources to help you find a grant and go through the application process. One of these programs is They offer a free CD with thousands of grants that you may be eligible for. The best part is that there usually isn’t long waiting periods to receive the money, especially for grants associated with single parenting.
It would be to your benefit to go online and check this out for yourself. Another great thing about these government grants is that most of the time you don’t have to pay back the money! Now is the time to take advantage of these government grants as the US government gives away millions of dollars in grant money every year. Get the money you need as soon as possible so that you can have more time for your children and less stress dealing with finances.

Grants for single mothers

It is hard being a single mother, especially in today’s economy. With the rising cost of housing as well as childcare, it’s difficult for even a two income household to keep afloat. Sometimes it seems like there is no way to possibly get ahead. Sadly, many single mothers have no other income supplementation, and get heavily into debt trying to support their family.
Many single mothers need financial assistance, but cannot qualify for loans because they don’t meet income requirements, or have credit issues. It can be a never ending cycle. Help is available through government grants.
Many people are aware that there are federal college grants for financial aid, as well as business grants for starting your own company, but did you know that there are government grants available specifically for single mothers? Unfortunately, each year many of these grants goes unfilled because they are not applied for, either because single mothers are not aware of them, or because they don’t think that they will qualify and so do not ever apply. Each government grant program has its own specific requirements, but your eligibility is not based on a credit score, or your credit history. Even if you have had a bankruptcy, it does not decrease your chances of getting a grant.
You would be surprised to learn how many government grants are available for single mothers-that you would not have thought of. It’s time Moms find out just how much is out there available to help you!
The following 21 categories are very broad; however each have grants available for single mothers:
• Agriculture
• Arts
• Business and Commerce
• Community Development
• Consumer Protection
• Disaster Prevention and Relief
• Education
• Employment, Labor, and Training
• Energy
• Environmental Quality
• Food and Nutrition
• Health
• Housing
• Humanities
• Information and Statistics
• Law, Justice, and Legal Services
• Natural Resources
• Regional Development
• Science and Technology
• Social Services and Income Security
• Transportation

Some of the grants for single moms include: financial help to get out of debt, daycare grants, as well as educational grants –there even cosmetology grants! There are grants for single mothers to pay bills with, to purchase clothing, food, fuel. There are grants for repairs to your home, auto repairs, grants for medical bills. You name it-they seem to have a government grant for it! They even have faith-based grants available.
You can apply for as many government grants as you want. If you don’t qualify for one type of grant, fill out another grant application. Even if you have already received a grant, you may still apply for more. The great thing about a government grant is that you do not have to pay it back! You would be surprised at all of the different types of grants that are out there.
As long as you are a citizen of the United States or a U.S. territory, or are a foreign national who has lived in the United States or a U.S. territory for at least three years immediately preceding an application, you are eligible to apply for a grant.
Every year there are more programs created-so what are you waiting for? It could mean the world of difference to you and your children!

Grants for women in business

Grants for Small Businesses
It seems like there is a rising amount of women who are trying to open and run small businesses. At first I started to wonder why in the world women would be more likely to open a business then men? I mean, stereotypically it is the men who are the entrepreneurs that want to grow up to own huge businesses and be successful in the business world. I took a few business classes in college and when I looked around, 90 percent of the class was guys. So, I was VERY surprised when I realized that there are actually more women interested in starting and running their own small business then men.
As I started to think about it more, the reasoning became so obvious to me! I mean, the majority of women will someday be mothers. A lot of those mothers will end up staying home with their kids either in attempt not to miss out on all those wonderful moments with their kids or simply because they want to avoid childcare etc. No matter what their reasoning, it is a fact that more women end up staying home with the kids than men. On top of that, even if the woman doesn’t stay home with the kids, most women have to go through pregnancy which means missing a lot of work!
So, Women probably started to think, “how can I continue to make some money without having to leave my kids and have to put them in daycare?” There are countless businesses women can open up enabling them to stay home with their kids: teaching piano lessons, a dance studio, selling jewelry, physical training, daycare, cosmetology, photography etc. But, sometimes it can be intimidating opening up your own business especially when it comes to finding funds to do so. I used to want to open my own dance studio up but when I looked into it I realized I would have to get a bigger house to hold my lessons, I would have to have money to pay for the mirror, the bar, business cards, marketing to get enough students, etc. It was so overwhelming that I still have not gotten around to living my dream to teach dance in the privacy of my very own home.
People like me are the very reason that the government gives out federal grants for women to open small businesses all the time. Really, it benefits all parties! It benefits our economy to have more small businesses flourishing out there, it benefits the mothers who get to be with their kids more and it of course benefits the kids who get to be with their mothers! So, the government is willing to give out free grant money to women who are wanting to apply for a federal grant because it benefits them at the same time of helping better people’s lives.
If you are a women considering opening your own business, this site is a must: Don’t give up until you have at least gone to this site and checked out how much the government is willing to give you in free grant money!