Archive for the 'Education & Training Grants' Category

Grants for avaition training and research

Free Government Grants for Aviation
What would we do without Aviation? Think of all the things we rely on aviation for. Big shot business executives fly all around the country on their private jet in order to meet with clients, maintain relationships, grow their business, sign big deals, etc. Newlywed couples fly to Paris, or Hawaii, or Mexico in order to have their own little trip with just the two of them to start out their lives together. Families fly all over either for family vacations, family reunions, or just to visit family that lives far away. Then there is the military! Think of how far our country has come just because of aviation. We have such a vantage point when it comes to war just because our military is so advanced in this area. Think about how many lives are saved by life flight, think about how many fires are put out because of planes. We are able to fly in medical supplies, or food, etc. to third world countries etc. So many amazing things have happened because of aviation!
None of this, of course, would be possible without the pilot— and it is not easy to become a pilot. I know because my husband is a pilot in training. There are a lot of sacrifices a pilot makes including taking on thousands of dollars in debt just to work a job that pays maybe 30K to start out at. Not to mention all the countless hours they spend, and tests they have to take and everything else. So why do they do it? I know first hand that most people that become pilots fly because it is their passion in life. . . they live for flying.
When we first got married, I wanted more than anything to support my new husband in his dreams but we were poor struggling college students. It was frustrating thinking about going 100K dollars in debt knowing we wouldn’t be able to pay it off for years and years because there are not many great paying aviation jobs out there. But, we were both so relieved to find out that there are a lot of government grants out there specifically for aviation students. We were amazed to find out how easy it was to apply and how quickly we were able to get money.
I was also pretty worried because I have a pretty good job and it always seemed like nobody got any grants that made any money. But, even though I made pretty good money we got a pretty large amount of free government grant money. It was enough to get him almost all the way through his private pilots license! This gave him the boost of confidence he needed to press on and get his instrument, and commercial license.
I am so glad that there are free government grants out there for Aviation students. I hope I am able to encourage more aviation students out there to at least apply for a government grant!

Grants for Teachers

Grants for School Teachers
I think everyone can remember at least one teacher growing up that tremendously impacted his/her life. Everyone’s reasoning is probably a little different. Maybe the teacher motivated you or had faith in you and inspired you to excel in an area you otherwise might not have. Maybe the teacher was a great example and gave you someone to look up to and want to be like? Maybe the teacher was a friend to you when you needed one most. Like I said, everyone’s reasoning is different and there are countless reasons that we seem to have that one teacher that we can’t forget. My point is that everyone DOES have that teacher they can’t forget.
Mine is Mrs. Vaez. She taught Advanced Placement English and was my teacher for my Junior and Senior year. Before her class, I had always thought English was an easy subject that anyone could do. Her class, however, was the hardest class I had ever taken throughout all of high school. But, Mrs. Vaez was brilliant—She always had the greatest insights in all of our novels, and could point out the most beautiful parts of poetry. It was in her class that I fell in love with reading! I loved finding hidden meanings and uncovering linguistic secrets! I loved it so much that I decided to major in it in college. College didn’t come easy to me, but my English classes were much easier than any of my other classes because I had the strong basis I needed to build off of. I know that I owe this to Mrs. Vaez.
So, if teachers have such an impact to better people’s lives, why is there always a shortage of school teachers? I haven’t really done enough research to give an accurate answer, all I can tell you is my own opinion. College isn’t cheap—I know! I paid my own way through college, had to take out student loans, and make sacrifices. If I weren’t given a scholarship, I don’t even think I would have ended up graduating. Maybe I am a little greedy, but I didn’t want to go to school for 4+ years to make 27K. Would I even be able to pay off my student loans making that much money? The benefits did not seem to out-weigh the costs.
What is wrong with our society that a lack of money can determine what someone does with the rest of his/her life? Well, the government started to realize this and decided to give out free government grant money . There are tuition grants, computer grants, college grants etc. There are even specific grants for students who are studying to be teachers. The best thing is that it is easy to do! I wish that I would have applied for more grants when I was in college.
If you are looking for information on how to apply for grants, a great website is It offers great information on how to apply, who usually qualifies and how much government grant money you can get. Good luck!

Get the government to pay for your education!

Most kids in at some point plan to go to college when they graduate from high school. Determining whether to go to a university, out of state, or a local community college is usually the main priority they think about. What they don’t always plan for is how they are going to pay for it. Those who are wise start saving for college at an early age. Some kids expect their parents to pay for it. Others plan to get a scholarship to pay for their education based on either a talent they have, or academics. The majority end up taking out student loans, as well as applying for financial aid.
Tuition for college gets higher every year. The cost of student housing is also growing each year. How do students pay for college and have any money left over for food or transportation? The term “starving student” really does seem to apply.
The government has educational grants available to help! You just have to know where to look to find them ! Each year they come out with new grant programs in a variety of different categories. The nice thing is that unlike a student loan, government grants are not an actual loan, and do not have to be repaid. It doesn’t cost money to apply for a government grant. Even if you have no credit, which most college students do not, it doesn’t matter. Your credit has nothing to do with obtaining an educational grant. There are a few things that could affect your eligibility. If you have ever had a government loan that you have defaulted on, or if you have had a foreclosure in the last couple of years, that could potentially disqualify you from getting a government grant. Information or applications for some of the more common grants can be obtained directly through the school financial aid or administration office, but there are a lot of grants out there that are really unknown.
There are many educational grants that are specific to a particular area of study. Depending on what your major is, there may be a grant that fits your needs perfectly! In order to search through all of the grant programs that are available, you would have to look at each category separately and then read through each individual program to see if it would apply to you.
The best way to find out is to go to this website and search all the different categories to see what is available for your area of study. You may be able to get a grant to help pay for your studies. There are even educational grants to study abroad. If you have ever wanted to travel, there are some great opportunities to study in foreign countries, and get some of your expenses paid as well.
Be sure when applying that you keep an eye on the date. Many of the programs have a cut-off date for applications. Don’t miss out on getting the government grant you need by waiting too long!