Archive for the 'Utility Grants' Category

Grants for Senior Citizens

It’s getting harder and harder to financially prepare for retirement. With the economy in the toilet many people have lost their retirement savings and as they get into their senior years they have no savings. This recession truly does affect everybody. When you are older you usually don’t have any income, health costs are higher, and you may still have a housing payment. Your senior years should be relaxing and stress free, so where can you turn to get the financial aid you need when you are no longer able to work and have no retirement money?
Well I have done some research and looked around to try to find out how senior citizens can get the financial aid they need. I’m not sharing any investment opportunities or anything else like that. In my research I strictly wanted to find ways to help people that don’t have money and are already in their senior years and need assistance immediately. I found many options for senior citizens to receive aid and the one that is the most beneficial comes in the form of Federal Government grants. The Federal Government gives away millions and millions of dollars in grants to individuals and private organizations every year. Many of these charities and private organizations that receive grants use the money to help individual people with their needs.
Discovering that there is help out there through government grants is just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of grants and finding the right type and where to get them can be quite a task. As we are on the topic of finding aid for senior citizens I’ll scratch the surface a little more on what type of grants are available for seniors and where to find and apply for them. There are Federal Government grants for many senior needs such as medical, prescription drugs, nutrition, housing, education, and other general care needs. Many of these grants are not awarded to individual people but are given to charitable organizations to disperse to the public. You can search through many other different kinds of government grants online.
So now that you have narrowed it down to what grant you need it’s time to find out how and where to apply. The application process usually requires you to write out a proposal or fill out an application. Whether it’s the government or a private organization giving the grant they will want to know what you need and your current situation and circumstance.
All of this searching and applying can be a daunting task. Luckily there are many of programs out there that can help you narrow down what grant you need and help you in the application process. They will guide you through the whole process and eliminate a lot of stress in your process of finding and applying for a grant. One website I found that has great tools to help you get the assistance that you are looking for is This website basically does all of the work for you so that you can get on with enjoying your senior years as soon as possible!

help to pay utilities with government grants

Utility bills seem to go up a little every year. For most people it is just a drop in the bucket. What is another couple of dollars a month-some people spend six dollars on a latte from Starbucks every morning. Even with the economic recession, a few dollars a month doesn’t really affect most people that dramatically. That is unless you are living on a fixed income.
There are thousands of elderly and low income people living on a fixed income each month. The problem is, their income doesn’t go up when the utility companies increase the rates. Unlike most of us, to these individuals, a few dollars a month can mean the difference of whether or not they can pay their bills. Unfortunately, they don’t have the flexibility to cut down in another area. They are already as tight as they can be. Any additional expenses mean going without heat or electricity-something none of us should really be without.
Some utility companies offer assistance programs, however the assistance doesn’t always cover the whole bill (or subsequent past due bills). What many people do not know, is that there are government grants available to help pay utility bills. There is a obviously a qualification process involved, but its worth the effort. There is software available at that makes the search and application process much easier for everyday people to understand.
Not only are there several programs already created, but President Barack Obama’s Economic Stimulus Package is also proposing that more be created. There are so many individuals on a fixed income that need help with bills but don’t know where to turn. Government grants can be a great option for those who are searching for assistance. Grants are not a loan and do not have to be paid back. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, go to to see what government grants are available to help.
If you or a loved one are currently in an emergency situation, in which your power is being shut off for non-payment, it is best to contact your service provider and see what can be done to help temporarily. Keep in mind that all energy assistance grant programs have specific dates by which applications must be submitted for review. It can take as little as a week, or as long as eight weeks to receive a response back. There are many assistance programs out there, most people are just not aware that they exist.
Also, if you are interested in creating a non-profit organization for assisting those who are at a disadvantage to get the help they need go to for more information about the many government grants that are available for those agencies as well.

New Info from
Grants to help pay utilities-LIHEAP -Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. In most states, the program is administered locally by Departments of Social Services and/or nonprofit organizations such as Community Action Agencies and Area Agencies on Aging.