Archive for February, 2009

Pell Grant To Pay For School

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of a Pell Grant but they are amazing! I want to share with you my personal experience with this government grant and how it helped me pay for school. I had heard of these types of grants before and didn’t think much about them until my friend got one through the university he was attending. The money went to pay for his tuition and what was left over he got to keep! The best part was that he didn’t have to pay any of it back! It was like free money from the Federal Government! Thanks Uncle Sam! Well after hearing that I was definitely excited so I decided to look into it more.
After searching online a little bit I found some useful information on how this grant works. According to the U.S. Department of Education the Federal Pell Grant Program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate and certain post baccalaureate students to promote access to post secondary education. There are about 5,400 different post secondary schools that accept this government grant so it’s not hard to find a college where you can apply for this grant. The amount of money you will get from the Federal Government depends on how much money your family is contributing towards your education, the cost of attendance, student’s enrollment status, and whether you attend for a full academic year or less. Oh and you can’t receive Federal Pell Grant funds from more than one school at a time.
So I also found out how the money is actually dispersed or awarded. For the most part this government grant is for students who do not yet have their bachelor degree and is only for post-bachelor degrees if you are getting a teacher certification. So the participating school either credits the Federal Pell Grant money to the student’s school account, pays the student directly, or a combination of both of these options. Students must be paid at least once per term. How great does all that sound?
So now that I found out all the basic information that I needed I was ready to apply! I did some more searching on the internet and while looking for Pell Grants I also discovered that there were hundreds and hundreds of other grants that I might qualify for as well! Wow! It’s amazing what a little internet searching will do! I found one site that offers a free CD that lists tons of government grants such as grants for housing, grants for education, grants for starting your own business, grants for minorities and many more. They even help you with the application process. The site I found was, they are pretty cool if you ask me and they are definitely worth checking out.
So to make a long story short I applied for my Federal Pell Grant and easily qualified. I received the money I needed for tuition and even got a few hundred dollars back in cash! That money sure helped especially since I’m a starving student! All I have to say is thanks President Obama! Thanks for helping me get my education! It’s great to be a citizen in this great country, even if it is struggling there are still options out there to help people.

wildlife rehabilitation funded by government grants

I have been interested in wildlife conservation for years. I have thought about getting involved in different conservation projects, but until recently I hadn’t given it more than just that-thoughts. A friend of mine called and said she was going to help build some cages for birds that had been injured and were being rehabilitated. She knew I liked wildlife and asked if I wanted to help. Well, here was my chance to actually DO something concrete. So I agreed to meet her the next day to see what the project would involve.
I arrived at the “rehab center” which consisted of a long dilapidated shed surrounded by several cages made out of a patchwork of chain link and wood. Some were well covered and others were in dire need of repair.
I walked slowly by each cage, peeking in to see what was inside. There were several species of hawks with different ailments-mostly broken wings or tail feathers. A couple of different owl species were making a lot of noise at one end of the compound, and a raven was chiming in now and again. A raccoon with a cast on her front leg was peeking out from a dark box trying to get a look at me without exposing herself. But the most amazing sight was the two enormous golden eagles roosting at the top of one of the flight pens.
My friend called to me from the shed to let me know that they were going to feed the animals first, then we would get down to the business of building a new cage. Patti, the woman in charge of the project, was smashing chicken necks with a pair of heavy pliers. My friend introduced us, then handed me a hammer so I could help. We were getting the meal ready for the birds. Wow! I hadn’t planned for all this!
“It has to be as close to the real thing as possible” Patti explained “we even have to mix feathers in with it, so they get all the same nutrients and fiber that they would in the wild. Thank goodness the stores around here donate this stuff or we wouldn’t have enough food for them”
I thought that this could be a really fun job. They bring in wounded animals from all over the state, and some from out of state, to be nursed back to health before being released back into the wild. I asked her how much it paid. She laughed and said not much. She went on to tell me that actually she was not paid at all for what she does, it is all volunteer work. The whole wildlife rehabilitation project relies on donations of time, supplies, and money from people like us, scouting groups, dedicated hunters, and most importantly, government grants.
“If it wasn’t for government grants, none of this would be possible.” She said.
I couldn’t believe it. It was almost spring, and she said they would be getting a lot more animals in for rehab. Where were they going to put them? What were they going to feed them?
I realized that I wanted to help them as much as I possibly could. I began contacting people for donations of food and materials. I also started looking around to see what other types of government grants were available. I found a great site that makes it really easy to find different types of grants.
There are so many animals out there that need our help! Donations of time, materials, or money can help these organizations, so they in turn can help America’s Wildlife.
If you are interested in helping wildlife, go to to see what you can do.

Disability Grants Easier To Find Than You Think

Having a disability has many obstacles. Depending what the disability is you may have troubles learning, walking, seeing, or just functioning like everyone else does on a day-to-day basis. Life can be very challenging and on top of all that it is usually harder to get a job. So not only is getting around harder but it is also harder to bring in income and having a disability usually carries more everyday expenses than the average person has. Not only are there added personal expenses but if you have a caregiver or family member that helps you they also are using money and time to help you out. It becomes quite difficult to make ends meet all of the time. Luckily living in this great country there are many options out there to help you where you might fall short.
These options come in the form of government grants. The Federal government has thousands and thousands of grants that you may be eligible for directly through the Federal Government or through private non-profit organizations. These grants can be specifically setup to help with education, housing, medical care, starting your own business, and other day-to-day issues. If you didn’t already know about these grants or haven’t already taken advantage of them then let me further explain the process and offer some resources that can help you find a grant, apply, and get the money sent to you as soon as possible.
The first step in this process is looking for the right type of grant. There are many places to go in your search for special needs grants. The easiest would be the internet, or depending on the type of grant you might go to a school or hospital for help finding the right one. There are many websites that offer lists of grants in your specific area. With some online searching you should be able to get an idea of what grants are available to you. There are also many websites that offer free CD’s that can be mailed to you that make searching for special needs grants a lot easier. One of these sites is Applications are usually extensive and require a bit of information but I have noticed that if you are really serious about getting a grant than filling out this application isn’t very difficult. With billions of dollars that the government gives away in grant money every year it isn’t hard to qualify.
Government grants for the disabled and special needs can come in the form of cash but they can also include many other ways to help you. They can come in the form of free counseling, free books, free equipment, programs that offer career training and job placement.
With the inauguration of our new president, Barack Obama, there has never been a better time to get the help that you need. Why wait any longer? The help you need is knocking at your door, so don’t wait for these grants to go to other people, get online and find the government grant that best fits your needs today!

What does Obama know about government grants?

Why is Obama so big on government grant and assistance programs? Why is he adding more government funding programs to the stimulus? Does he really know what people need, or is he just putting our country further into debt by giving away free grant money to people who don’t deserve it?
When I think about government grant programs it brings to mind the type of people who would qualify for them, and what the requirements should be. Who would know best what funding is needed, but someone who has worked closely with those individuals for any great length of time.
Over his career, Obama has devoted countless hours to developing community projects. Because of his close interaction with the public, I think he better understands what is happening behind the scenes in these low income areas. He has seen-first hand-what assistance people are in need of because he has been “in the trenches” and interacted personally with those who are truly in need of help.
If we take a look back through his educational and political history, it is evident that he has an in depth understanding of the need for public assistance.
After graduating from high school in 1979, Barack moved to Los Angeles and went to Occidental College for two years before transferring to New York’s Columbia University. He majored in political science and international relations. He was involved in the Developing Communities Project in Chicago. With his help, the program set up job training programs, college prep tutoring programs, tenant’s rights organization, etc. for individuals in low income neighborhoods to have the chance to help themselves and their families into a better living situation.
In 1988 he studied law at Harvard. He worked for several law firms in Chicago during his summer breaks. After graduating, he went back to Chicago and began writing a book about race relations called Dreams from My Father. He then set up a voter registration drive to get unregistered African Americans to vote.
Barack taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago before joining a law firm that focused on civil rights cases and economic development. He was on the board of directors for the Woods Fund of Chicago, the first program to fund the Developing Communities Project, the Joyce Project-gun violence prevention and awareness, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge-a public school reform project, the Chicago Lawyers committee for Civil Rights, and Center for Neighborhood Technology-a non-profit to bring internet access to underdeveloped communities.
Obama has been involved with many other community development projects prior to his election into the Illinois State Legislator. Once in office, he sponsored legislation increasing tax credits for low income workers, monitoring of racial profiling by law enforcement, welfare and the “social safety net” reform, childcare subsidies, predatory mortgage and payday loan regulations, etc.
He has voted in favor of funding energy production of various types to overcome the current problems our country faces, and also a Federal Funding Transparency Act-requiring full disclosure to the public-how organizations use the government funding they receive. Obama sponsored a bill for State Children’s Health Insurance Programs and has supported the elimination of taxes for senior citizens with annual incomes less than fifty thousand.
Throughout his career he has had involvement in numerous programs aimed at creating a better community and a better country for us to live in. I would say he has a pretty good understanding of what types of federal assistance different areas of this country need, and what the qualifications of those grant programs should be.

Grants for Senior Citizens

It’s getting harder and harder to financially prepare for retirement. With the economy in the toilet many people have lost their retirement savings and as they get into their senior years they have no savings. This recession truly does affect everybody. When you are older you usually don’t have any income, health costs are higher, and you may still have a housing payment. Your senior years should be relaxing and stress free, so where can you turn to get the financial aid you need when you are no longer able to work and have no retirement money?
Well I have done some research and looked around to try to find out how senior citizens can get the financial aid they need. I’m not sharing any investment opportunities or anything else like that. In my research I strictly wanted to find ways to help people that don’t have money and are already in their senior years and need assistance immediately. I found many options for senior citizens to receive aid and the one that is the most beneficial comes in the form of Federal Government grants. The Federal Government gives away millions and millions of dollars in grants to individuals and private organizations every year. Many of these charities and private organizations that receive grants use the money to help individual people with their needs.
Discovering that there is help out there through government grants is just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of grants and finding the right type and where to get them can be quite a task. As we are on the topic of finding aid for senior citizens I’ll scratch the surface a little more on what type of grants are available for seniors and where to find and apply for them. There are Federal Government grants for many senior needs such as medical, prescription drugs, nutrition, housing, education, and other general care needs. Many of these grants are not awarded to individual people but are given to charitable organizations to disperse to the public. You can search through many other different kinds of government grants online.
So now that you have narrowed it down to what grant you need it’s time to find out how and where to apply. The application process usually requires you to write out a proposal or fill out an application. Whether it’s the government or a private organization giving the grant they will want to know what you need and your current situation and circumstance.
All of this searching and applying can be a daunting task. Luckily there are many of programs out there that can help you narrow down what grant you need and help you in the application process. They will guide you through the whole process and eliminate a lot of stress in your process of finding and applying for a grant. One website I found that has great tools to help you get the assistance that you are looking for is This website basically does all of the work for you so that you can get on with enjoying your senior years as soon as possible!

President Obama’s Grant Program

President Obama’s Grant Program: A beacon to us all
Since his election to office, President Obama’s primary goal has been to revitalize the economy. It was no secret that America has been in financial turmoil over the past couple of months. American’s knew they needed to make a change in the government, and that would most likely include a change in Presidency. We needed a President who was totally unique, someone to had the positive energy and ability to turn our economy around. That’s probably why Obama was the best candidate. He focused on the fact that “it is time for a change”.
So, how does President Obama plan to do this? By putting more money into the hands of more Americans in the form of government grants. The President and our new government understand the hardships that most American’s have had throughout the past few years: raising gas prices, the sub-prime mortgage crash, unemployment, and record highs of unemployment.
The housing market seems to have completely crashed. Most people seem to owe more money than their house is even worth in places like California, New York, Florida etc. Different states have come up with different attack plans on fixing their economy. California has doubled registration fees, increased gas prices all over the state, and of course it is inevitable that they had record high layoffs for all in State jobs. But, is this enough? This may help the state but what are people doing to help out the consumers who are upside down on their houses, without a job, etc. I mean really, if every state increased their gas prices, there would be a lot of people who wouldn’t even be able to afford transportation.
This is where President Obama’s plan is unique. He plans to help the economy by actually helping the people which will in result help our economy. People WANT to stay in their homes, they WANT to be able to make payments. What better way to fix our economy than to enable these honest people to make their payments. If they make their payments it will be better for the bank too and little by little we will see less foreclosures.
So, you may be wondering, “how do I go about applying for a grant”? Or, you may be concerned that the government only gives out free government grant money to a very select few. Well, I actually spent some time researching online and I was shocked to see how easy to apply for grants and right now everyone qualifies. Now it is just a matter of getting the word out. During my research, I found a site that was most helpful. They actually offer step by step tips on how to get the most free government grant money possible. Here is the URL .
So, if you are like the millions of other American’s struggling to get by in this economy you should go to the site and stop missing out on anymore free money.

Grant money available for homeowners and investors

Real Estate Grants
From the real estate investor’s perspective, it’s a great time to buy and hold if you have the resources. Properties can be purchased for pennies on the dollar. The market is saturated with foreclosures, and banks don’t seem to be willing to negotiate with people who are behind on their mortgages.
They are willing to negotiate with investors or potential buyers though. Before there weren’t many banks willing to negotiate a short sale-and accept less on the first or second mortgage unless you were a realtor representing the seller. Many banks are now willing to accept proposals for short sales from investors who are looking at buying the property from the bank. As long as the investor can prove that the home owner is not going to receive any sort of financial gain from the transaction. A hardship package still has to be filled out and submitted on behalf of the homeowner, but the requirements don’t seem to be as steep.
It’s also a great time to be able to help people who are in foreclosure. So many people have lost their jobs and got in way to far over their heads with all of the crappy mortgage programs that were being pitched by predatory lenders. Once their income dropped, a lot of people have gotten in big financial trouble. Most mortgage payments are such a large portion of people’s monthly expenses, that once they get a couple of payments behind it is difficult to get caught back up. After a while, they just don’t care anymore, and want to just move on. It can be a win/win situation for both parties if you can help them get out of their mortgage without getting a foreclosure on their credit record.
However, there is also additional help for homeowners through Obama’s mortgage relief plan. The government will be offering banks and other lenders incentives to work with the homeowners who are in default-by negotiating better terms on the loan, waiving fees, etc.
There are a couple of great sites to go to if you are an investor looking to find a grant to buy property, or a homeowner looking at getting help with your mortgage. The fastest way to find a grant is to go to and use their software to quickly find and apply for grants that pertain to your qualifications. You can also go to or but it is difficult to find exactly what you are looking for, and it takes quite a lot time to go through everything. also has other mortgage and down payment assistance programs that homeowners can look through to find help.
Real estate investing grants a pretty limited, and the qualifications are mostly limited to certain areas. But for homeowners, there are some decent programs. There are still qualifications, but they are not as stringent.
Hopefully we will see this economy start to pick up in the next year or two. We will see what Obama has in store for us. In the mean time, at least some people are getting some relief.

Obama’s Mortgage Relief Plan

It’s no secret that our economy is in turmoil. Unemployment rates are at a record high, consumers are spending less money, the stock market is practically crashing and foreclosure rates are skyrocketing. Taking all of this into consideration, it would seem like 2009 will be a harsh economic year for America. But, there is definitely hope in all of this. Obama has told us countless times, “it’s time for a change” and he means it. After his inauguration, he talked about what he plans to do to turn our economy around. Although he talked about hundreds of different grant programs, I am going to focus on his grant program to help decrease the amount of foreclosures.
Obama’s goal is to incentivize lenders to work with their borrowers who are upside down on their house and figure out more affordable terms. People that owe more than what their home is worth will have an opportunity to refinance. It also encourages lenders and loan officers to take consideration and reach out to the more at-risk borrowers. Ever since the start of the economic downfall, our government has tried to create some sort of solution to get us all out of this mess. Interest rates have dropped to as low as 5% , the government offers financial benefits to first time home buyers, etc. However, none of these seemed to really work. Economists say the reason Obama’s plan will work is because he is actually offering a financial assistance. They say the key to Obama’s plan is the fact that he is going to offer financial incentives to lenders and loan officers to work with their borrowers.
The big question, however, is will it be enough? Skeptics worry that the qualifications will be so specific that the stimulus plan will only benefit a select few when what we need is for it to help the mass majority of people that are struggling to make payments on their house. Others worry that the 75 billion dollar bailout will put our nation too much in debt and the efforts to help the economy will in fact make it worse because we will get more in debt.
Regardless of skeptics, the majority of economists feel very optimistic about President Obama’s Grant Program. There is certainly a “need for a change” and it looks like this may be just what we are needing. I think the biggest factor of this actually working will be educating consumers about the program. Most people think it is a hoax that the government would ever give out free money even if it is in a form of a grant.
I hope word gets out to anyone who is struggling to keep their home. America has finally realized the severity of the economy and is taking serious measures to fix things. We all need to spread the word and let people know that there really is a solution to all of this economic hardship.

Need help buying a house? Apply for a grant!

Housing Grants
With the economy the way it is and the crash of the housing industry we saw in late 2007 it is extremely difficult to get approved for a home loan. It’s unfortunate that although it’s one of the best times in US history to buy a home, very few people can get approved. Even if you do get approved there are loads of costs associated with buying and maintaining a home especially in the recession that we are in. So what are the alternatives? Where can people turn for help when it comes to buying and maintaining a home? With the inauguration of President Obama and with the signing of the new economic stimulus package there has to be ways to get financial aid when it comes to homes. Well I have done extensive research and have found many options and solutions to the questions asked earlier. These answers come in the form of government grants, especially housing grants.
When someone mentions Federal Government grants most people zone out. They think that they will never qualify, the process is too lengthy and they don’t even know where to look. The reason I have studied out these housing grants is so that I could show you how easy they are to apply for and how quickly they can be processed as well as where to find them.
The first step in this process is looking for the right type of grant. There are many places to go in your search for housing grants. The easiest would be the internet. There are many sites that offer lists of grants in your specific area. With some online searching you should be able to get an idea of what grants are available to you. There are also many websites that offer free CD’s that can be mailed to you that make searching for government housing grants a lot easier. One of these sites is Another way to find these housing grants is to contact HUD in the federal government pages of the phone book. You can ask them directly to send you applications for the specific grant that you want to apply for. Applications are usually extensive and require a bit of information but I have noticed that if you are really serious about getting a grant then filling out this application isn’t very difficult. With billions of dollars that the government gives away in grant money every year it isn’t hard to qualify.
So now you might be wondering what types of Federal Government grants are available. Well let me whet your appetite with just a few examples of what types of housing grants are available. There are grants for housing down payments, closing costs, grants for remodeling, expanding and adapting your home, repairs, interior/exterior improvements, and energy efficiency updates to your home, grants to build new homes, convert basement into an apartment, buying a mobile home, emergency repairs, etc. There are also special housing grants for senior citizens, teachers, war veterans, single parents, and people with disabilities.
These grants do not have lengthy approval times. Most of them are funded immediately and people have seen checks in their mailboxes in as little as a week. Everybody knows it is a buyer’s market and interest rates as well as prices on homes are historically low. Why wait to get into a new home or to make adjustments to the one you already live in. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Do what I did and start looking into Federal Government housing grants. The sooner you look and apply the sooner you will have a check from the US Government for your housing needs.

Minorities Find Financial Aid Through Government Grants

Minority Grants
Have you ever thought about how hard it might be to be a single black woman trying to raise two kids on her own? Can you imagine the disadvantages she might have getting a job without a degree, being female, and being a minority. As well as trying to raise two small children on her own. Well there are thousands and thousands of these cases and life is extremely difficult. Even with a job these single women also have to worry about daycare, food stamps, housing, government assistance, and possibly receiving scholarships to finish school. Despite all these obstacles there are many options.
The United States government has many options and avenues available for these women to receive help. They come in the form of government grants. With the Inauguration of our new president there is new hope for many of these women to get receive the aid that they need. The U.S. government, as well as many other institutions, offer certain types of grants that benefit minority populations in many different fields. They make it possible for people to get support in the form of money for many different reasons. They offer grants for education, new businesses, housing, women, non-profits, and also families. One of the most helpful grants are the ones for single women raising kids. Depending on the state you live in and if you qualify you can get money from the government for many different areas of life as mentioned earlier.
The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) is one of the most popular minority grants available and can be especially useful for young mothers who wish to go back to school. This minority college grant usually funds students at historically African American colleges and universities. In 2005, the UNCF funded about 65,000 students at over 900 colleges and universities with approximately $113 million in grants and scholarships.
The UNCF is just one example, there are many more. The U.S. government annually gives away millions of dollars to minorities and the best thing is that this money never needs to be paid back! The benefit of getting these grants from the government versus trying to get a loan from a bank is that the process is usually faster so that you can get your money as quickly as possible. Also, it is better because the approval process is easier and you don’t have to pay anyone back with interest as you would with a bank loan. As long as you are 18 years of age or older and are a U.S. citizen you qualify. Many of these grants do not require any credit checks, security deposits, or co-signers; they also ignore any previous bankruptcies or bad credit.
So now you might be wondering where to find some of these grants. Well I have looked into many different places online and came across a website that would be a great tool for anyone looking for government grants. You can find out a lot more information on how, by going to this website,