Archive for the 'Business Grants' Category

Small Business Grants for Women

Starting a business can be very intimidating. Coming up with an original business plan is extremely difficult because there is so much competition out there. So many factors go into making a new business venture successful that many people don’t even want to try because it seems overwhelming. Especially in today’s society women often times find it even more intimidating to enter into all the competition amongst so many male driven businesses. There aren’t a lot of women entrepreneurs out there and not a lot of people willing to invest in them either. So let’s say that you are a woman with a great business plan and have decided to take it to the next level, the first thing you’ll need is capital. You will need money to get started, so where do you find this financial kick start?
Most people do not know that there is millions of dollars available for woman entrepreneurs who want to start their own businesses. This money comes in the form of grants from the Federal Government and from other small organizations. A lot of this small business grants for women money often goes unclaimed every year. Women owned businesses are becoming more and more successful and are often more successful than their male counterparts. If you have been thinking about starting a business then now is the time to get started.
Now that you know about these small business government grants for women you might be wondering where you can find them. Well they aren’t too hard to find. The internet will be the first place you’ll want to start checking. You can find many of these grants offered directly through the government or through small private foundations. There are also many websites that offer free CD programs that list thousands of grants that are available. These CD’s help you find a grant that you qualify for and also help you with the application process. One of these grant programs that is extremely useful can be found at They will walk you through the steps you need so that you can get the money you need to start your own business.
Another great thing about these government grants is that there isn’t a long waiting period. Most people have a check in their mailbox within a week. Oh I almost forgot, the best part about these grants is that most of the time you never have to pay them back! How can you go wrong? With the economy the way it is many people are in search of additional income opportunities so it is a great time to start your own business and even better that you may be able to get the money you need to start from the government.
The US government wants you to succeed. They have millions of dollars in grant money available because they want to help you. When they help you they are also helping to stimulate the economy which in turn will help get our country back on track. Don’t wait any longer to start your own business. Become your own boss, get extra income, and let the government help you!

Money Available For Businesses

Business Grants
In these difficult economic times that we are in many people are being laid off and are struggling to find employment. This is not a new topic. I’m sure if you just searched around the internet you would find blogs and articles addressing this topic on a daily if not hourly basis. Many claim that they have new job opportunities, go back to school offers, get rich quick schemes, etc. Most of these are not legit and offer no real solution in achieving financial freedom. I’ve always been an entrepreneur and interested in working for myself and not for “the man” so I’ve done some research on starting your own business and would like to share a few ways that I found to make the process as easy as possible.
The most important thing in starting your own business is getting capital, or in otherwise finding the money necessary to get started. Finding capital is usually the hardest aspect of starting a new business. Most people go to friends and family, apply for a small business loan, or look for other alternatives. Many people don’t know that the federal government actually can be a great resource in obtaining the needed capital to start a small business. There are many state development agencies, lending institutions that work with the government and non-profit organizations that provide millions of dollars in grant money to small and new business owners each year. Requirements are simple, usually as long as you are a U.S. citizen and over the age of 18 than you qualify. These small business grants are sponsored by the federal government, state government and other agencies. Most of the time these to obtain these grants you need not pledge any collateral or have your credit checked.
So now that you have your business plan and are now ready to get some capital to get things moving you will need to find out the source from where you need to obtain a small business grant. The best place to start is by looking locally. You can get a list of agencies in your area that give out grants from the federal or state government. They will provide you with further information on what you need to do to apply and what type of grants are available to you.
Like I said earlier there are many different types of small business grants available. To give you an idea of the diversity of grants available look at these: minority small business grants, small business grants for women, business start up grants, consulting and research grants and many more. Like I said earlier you can find a list of all the grants available to you by checking locally which agencies provide what type of grants.
Another excellent resource to find what types of grants are available is the internet. There are many websites that will give you comprehensive data on different federal and local state grants available. One of these websites is They offer free software that allows you to look up hundreds of available grants. They offer access to a directory with over 1500 federal and private grants. Their program is the complete package to find grants and apply for them.
With the Inauguration of President Obama earlier this year things are beginning to change. It is easier to obtain the money you need so that you can be closer to financial freedom. Let the federal government help you on your journey through the aid of government grants. The longer you wait the more money other people are getting. Start looking now to secure your check from the government.