Posts Tagged 'economy'

Buy a house CHEAP! And get government money to fix it up!

$13.61 Billion Dollars was allocated to The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. You may be asking “what does this mean for me?”
Well, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development is distributing these funds through various grant and loan programs to help stimulate the economy, as well as provide the opportunity for first time home buyers and people with low income to be able to become homeowners.
For people who don’t have a lot of funds, the option of buying a newer home is out of the question. Qualifying for a loan can be difficult if not impossible in the current economy. One of the best programs I have seen so far is the 203(k) program. There are several different lenders that work with this program because the HUD insures the loan. The Section 203(k) Program is the main government funded program that sponsors rehab and repair, along with the HOPE and Community Development Block Grant Programs.
With these programs, a property can be purchased AND rehabbed with one loan. Normally if you want to buy a property that needs fix-up, you would have to get a loan first-to buy the property, then a second (short or long term) loan to get the repairs done. The banks don’t want to loan more than the current market value for a home. With this program you work with a special network of lenders that combine their funding with HUD’s government backing to get you the full amount of what the “future value” of the home will be. So you get one loan, at a low interest rate, and the money up front so you can complete the repair/remodel.
You may be asking “Why would I want to buy a run-down house and fix it up?”
Here’s why: With the current economy, the value of real estate has fallen dramatically. Not only that, but there has been a huge influx of foreclosed properties that are sitting on the market. The longer they sit uninhabited, the more dilapidated they get and the less the bank is willing to accept for them. All of this contributes to a lower market value of the house. There are some great properties that can be purchased for pennies on the dollar. You can buy a house really CHEAP! Then get government money to fix it up!
Also, if you have never purchased a home (or haven’t in the last two years) the government is offering a tax credit of $7500! Something to consider when calculating the cost of the repair or remodel, there are additional grants and tax credits for using “green” or energy efficient and environmentally friendly products.
The market is at an all time low right now, but it won’t stay that way. If you purchase a home for a very low price now and fix it up, down the road you will have a great asset. It’s the perfect scenario especially for those who would have a difficult time getting a loan right now. For information on what grants to apply for, and how to write the proposals go to and check out their software. Also for more info on the 203(k) program go to
Good Luck!

Small Business Grants for Women

Starting a business can be very intimidating. Coming up with an original business plan is extremely difficult because there is so much competition out there. So many factors go into making a new business venture successful that many people don’t even want to try because it seems overwhelming. Especially in today’s society women often times find it even more intimidating to enter into all the competition amongst so many male driven businesses. There aren’t a lot of women entrepreneurs out there and not a lot of people willing to invest in them either. So let’s say that you are a woman with a great business plan and have decided to take it to the next level, the first thing you’ll need is capital. You will need money to get started, so where do you find this financial kick start?
Most people do not know that there is millions of dollars available for woman entrepreneurs who want to start their own businesses. This money comes in the form of grants from the Federal Government and from other small organizations. A lot of this small business grants for women money often goes unclaimed every year. Women owned businesses are becoming more and more successful and are often more successful than their male counterparts. If you have been thinking about starting a business then now is the time to get started.
Now that you know about these small business government grants for women you might be wondering where you can find them. Well they aren’t too hard to find. The internet will be the first place you’ll want to start checking. You can find many of these grants offered directly through the government or through small private foundations. There are also many websites that offer free CD programs that list thousands of grants that are available. These CD’s help you find a grant that you qualify for and also help you with the application process. One of these grant programs that is extremely useful can be found at They will walk you through the steps you need so that you can get the money you need to start your own business.
Another great thing about these government grants is that there isn’t a long waiting period. Most people have a check in their mailbox within a week. Oh I almost forgot, the best part about these grants is that most of the time you never have to pay them back! How can you go wrong? With the economy the way it is many people are in search of additional income opportunities so it is a great time to start your own business and even better that you may be able to get the money you need to start from the government.
The US government wants you to succeed. They have millions of dollars in grant money available because they want to help you. When they help you they are also helping to stimulate the economy which in turn will help get our country back on track. Don’t wait any longer to start your own business. Become your own boss, get extra income, and let the government help you!

President Obama’s Grant Program

President Obama’s Grant Program: A beacon to us all
Since his election to office, President Obama’s primary goal has been to revitalize the economy. It was no secret that America has been in financial turmoil over the past couple of months. American’s knew they needed to make a change in the government, and that would most likely include a change in Presidency. We needed a President who was totally unique, someone to had the positive energy and ability to turn our economy around. That’s probably why Obama was the best candidate. He focused on the fact that “it is time for a change”.
So, how does President Obama plan to do this? By putting more money into the hands of more Americans in the form of government grants. The President and our new government understand the hardships that most American’s have had throughout the past few years: raising gas prices, the sub-prime mortgage crash, unemployment, and record highs of unemployment.
The housing market seems to have completely crashed. Most people seem to owe more money than their house is even worth in places like California, New York, Florida etc. Different states have come up with different attack plans on fixing their economy. California has doubled registration fees, increased gas prices all over the state, and of course it is inevitable that they had record high layoffs for all in State jobs. But, is this enough? This may help the state but what are people doing to help out the consumers who are upside down on their houses, without a job, etc. I mean really, if every state increased their gas prices, there would be a lot of people who wouldn’t even be able to afford transportation.
This is where President Obama’s plan is unique. He plans to help the economy by actually helping the people which will in result help our economy. People WANT to stay in their homes, they WANT to be able to make payments. What better way to fix our economy than to enable these honest people to make their payments. If they make their payments it will be better for the bank too and little by little we will see less foreclosures.
So, you may be wondering, “how do I go about applying for a grant”? Or, you may be concerned that the government only gives out free government grant money to a very select few. Well, I actually spent some time researching online and I was shocked to see how easy to apply for grants and right now everyone qualifies. Now it is just a matter of getting the word out. During my research, I found a site that was most helpful. They actually offer step by step tips on how to get the most free government grant money possible. Here is the URL .
So, if you are like the millions of other American’s struggling to get by in this economy you should go to the site and stop missing out on anymore free money.