Posts Tagged 'down payment'

Need help buying a house? Apply for a grant!

Housing Grants
With the economy the way it is and the crash of the housing industry we saw in late 2007 it is extremely difficult to get approved for a home loan. It’s unfortunate that although it’s one of the best times in US history to buy a home, very few people can get approved. Even if you do get approved there are loads of costs associated with buying and maintaining a home especially in the recession that we are in. So what are the alternatives? Where can people turn for help when it comes to buying and maintaining a home? With the inauguration of President Obama and with the signing of the new economic stimulus package there has to be ways to get financial aid when it comes to homes. Well I have done extensive research and have found many options and solutions to the questions asked earlier. These answers come in the form of government grants, especially housing grants.
When someone mentions Federal Government grants most people zone out. They think that they will never qualify, the process is too lengthy and they don’t even know where to look. The reason I have studied out these housing grants is so that I could show you how easy they are to apply for and how quickly they can be processed as well as where to find them.
The first step in this process is looking for the right type of grant. There are many places to go in your search for housing grants. The easiest would be the internet. There are many sites that offer lists of grants in your specific area. With some online searching you should be able to get an idea of what grants are available to you. There are also many websites that offer free CD’s that can be mailed to you that make searching for government housing grants a lot easier. One of these sites is Another way to find these housing grants is to contact HUD in the federal government pages of the phone book. You can ask them directly to send you applications for the specific grant that you want to apply for. Applications are usually extensive and require a bit of information but I have noticed that if you are really serious about getting a grant then filling out this application isn’t very difficult. With billions of dollars that the government gives away in grant money every year it isn’t hard to qualify.
So now you might be wondering what types of Federal Government grants are available. Well let me whet your appetite with just a few examples of what types of housing grants are available. There are grants for housing down payments, closing costs, grants for remodeling, expanding and adapting your home, repairs, interior/exterior improvements, and energy efficiency updates to your home, grants to build new homes, convert basement into an apartment, buying a mobile home, emergency repairs, etc. There are also special housing grants for senior citizens, teachers, war veterans, single parents, and people with disabilities.
These grants do not have lengthy approval times. Most of them are funded immediately and people have seen checks in their mailboxes in as little as a week. Everybody knows it is a buyer’s market and interest rates as well as prices on homes are historically low. Why wait to get into a new home or to make adjustments to the one you already live in. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Do what I did and start looking into Federal Government housing grants. The sooner you look and apply the sooner you will have a check from the US Government for your housing needs.