Posts Tagged 'tax credits'

Grants to repair or rehab your home

Many families around the United States are struggling to stay afloat in the midst of the recession. Even families that have two incomes coming in find they have little if anything left after paying the bills. When something breaks, it becomes difficult to scrape together extra funds for repairs. What usually ends up happening in a situation like this? Repairs go on credit cards with high interest rates that may take years to pay off. That is, if indeed the family has credit available. What I have seen happen in a lot of low income neighborhoods is the family finds a way to live without the repairs. This is how many homes fall into disrepair and eventually become uninhabitable. Just think about the many dilapidated homes you have seen half falling down; dangerous. How do you think they got that way?
What many families do not know is that there is government grant money available for those repairs. An easy way to find and apply for these grants is by going to the website and ordering their free software. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is allotted a certain amount of funds from the government each year to disperse in the form of a grant to individuals and organizations that need housing assistance. Single Family Home Rehab/Repair is just one of the ways the Grant Money is used. Other government agencies such as FEMA are awarded grant money for the rehab and repair of homes that have been affected by natural disaster-these grant programs are distributed differently.
There are different grant programs available in different areas of the country. The Federal Grant Money is passed through HUD, and then dispersed by their state agencies. That is why is such a great resource. You can find and apply for all of the different programs that are available, not just those through HUD. You should apply for MULTIPLE grants. That way, if you don’t qualify for one, you still have a chance to meet the requirements for another program.
Homes must be considered single family to qualify, however, the last information I read stated that qualifying properties could be no larger than 4 units. The only stipulation listed was that all of the units had to be connected together, and the property must be zoned for multi-unit. The grant money must be used for rehab or repairs of items that are not considered a “luxury”. Also, something to consider when looking into repair options-Tax credits are given by the government for using “green” or energy efficient products. So look into your options before actually completing the repairs.
If you are looking at purchasing a property that is in need of repair-but don’t have the funds to do the fix-up, I will post some more information that goes into some of the options available. Or you can just go to and start looking for grants immediately.
For additional resources go to to see what other non-grant related programs are available for home owners.

What does Obama know about government grants?

Why is Obama so big on government grant and assistance programs? Why is he adding more government funding programs to the stimulus? Does he really know what people need, or is he just putting our country further into debt by giving away free grant money to people who don’t deserve it?
When I think about government grant programs it brings to mind the type of people who would qualify for them, and what the requirements should be. Who would know best what funding is needed, but someone who has worked closely with those individuals for any great length of time.
Over his career, Obama has devoted countless hours to developing community projects. Because of his close interaction with the public, I think he better understands what is happening behind the scenes in these low income areas. He has seen-first hand-what assistance people are in need of because he has been “in the trenches” and interacted personally with those who are truly in need of help.
If we take a look back through his educational and political history, it is evident that he has an in depth understanding of the need for public assistance.
After graduating from high school in 1979, Barack moved to Los Angeles and went to Occidental College for two years before transferring to New York’s Columbia University. He majored in political science and international relations. He was involved in the Developing Communities Project in Chicago. With his help, the program set up job training programs, college prep tutoring programs, tenant’s rights organization, etc. for individuals in low income neighborhoods to have the chance to help themselves and their families into a better living situation.
In 1988 he studied law at Harvard. He worked for several law firms in Chicago during his summer breaks. After graduating, he went back to Chicago and began writing a book about race relations called Dreams from My Father. He then set up a voter registration drive to get unregistered African Americans to vote.
Barack taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago before joining a law firm that focused on civil rights cases and economic development. He was on the board of directors for the Woods Fund of Chicago, the first program to fund the Developing Communities Project, the Joyce Project-gun violence prevention and awareness, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge-a public school reform project, the Chicago Lawyers committee for Civil Rights, and Center for Neighborhood Technology-a non-profit to bring internet access to underdeveloped communities.
Obama has been involved with many other community development projects prior to his election into the Illinois State Legislator. Once in office, he sponsored legislation increasing tax credits for low income workers, monitoring of racial profiling by law enforcement, welfare and the “social safety net” reform, childcare subsidies, predatory mortgage and payday loan regulations, etc.
He has voted in favor of funding energy production of various types to overcome the current problems our country faces, and also a Federal Funding Transparency Act-requiring full disclosure to the public-how organizations use the government funding they receive. Obama sponsored a bill for State Children’s Health Insurance Programs and has supported the elimination of taxes for senior citizens with annual incomes less than fifty thousand.
Throughout his career he has had involvement in numerous programs aimed at creating a better community and a better country for us to live in. I would say he has a pretty good understanding of what types of federal assistance different areas of this country need, and what the qualifications of those grant programs should be.